Entry 3 - brainstorming some plans                                              nov 4

Entry 4 - anime moment                   nov 10

Entry 5                   nov 11

Entry 6 - custom switch :D                   nov 16

Entry 7 - feeling happi                  nov 17

ive been thinking about helping others learn how to code for a little while now but..

i dont even know how to even start helping with code because its just so vast. there are s o many terms out there, some that i dont even fully understand yet. but i think starting from the really small basics and building up from there will benifit a lot. :> despite how hard helping others learn code seems - i still would like to give it a try someday because helping out in anyway would be nice to do.

ive been watching for the first time beastars lately, and its a nice anime. really liked the plot and character arcs for the most part, but there are a few problems i had with it- other than that it was a neat show to experience for the first time!

i often browse through different neocities sites to find new ones that interest me, or look for new sites to get inspiration from. its become one of my new recent pastimes :p. many sites have buttons that link to other sites, like the buttons from friends and whatnot, or various webpages. while looking at a handful of different sites, i started to notice that many of them would link to a specific forum that i used months ago. it hits different when youre one of the few people that had a lame experience with something that so many people seem to like lol, but it happens sometimes

a couple of years ago i had an idea to get a swtich and customize it. i wanted to give it a yoshi theme to fit with my yoshi 3ds :> and a wired controller i got more recently. the idea first came about after getting a custom switch skin as a gift, and i built off of the idea from there! i planned this out a long time ago but never really got around to buying everything i needed mainly because i wasnt able to, or didnt have a whole lot of interest in the project in general. but earlier this year i was able to buy every little piece i needed one by one, and eventually i finally put everything together. i finished it this tuesday, and im super happy with the result!

reeeeeally happy with how this came out! its so cutee 

it also looks really good with the dock too :>
so proud of this aaaaa

ever since this morning ive been feeling really nice ^^ been having a good day since i woke up. got more things added to my site and man, its been pretty fun! adding extra things to pages seems to be more fun than making the original code was. i also kinda started a stamp collection, and i hope to add many more stamps to it and maybe even make a separate page for it too. feeling pretty nice today :> lookiing forward to adding much more to my pages in the future