Entry 1 - completion of site oct 28
Entry 1 - completion of site oct 28
Entry 2 oct 31
im happy to finally be finished with my website after working on it for a couple of months now! one day i was looking at some art from tumblr, and happened to see this post about making a neocities site. i got super intersted in the idea afterwards, and made an account and slowly started learning how to code and worked on my site a bit each day. the first few months of learning code were r e a l l y rough, it was really frustrating and felt impossible at times. i used to seek out help from others since i knew next to nothing, but that was hit or miss tbh. found a community on a forum that seemed promising when it came to asking for help with coding but after my 4th question there people kind of just got annoyed of me i guess lol and started ignoring me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, so i had to work by myself and use mostly google to find answers for my code problems. eventually that ended up working out muuuch better for me and i was able to make a ton of progress as time went on!
anyhwo im really happy with my progress with this website so far :> and im looking forward to maybe adding much more to it!
not feeling too great today.