a major reason why im such a big sonic fan right now is because of the large amount of fan content out there! Theres plenty of games, music, stories, and art to explore, and i like that soo much. One of my favorite games atm is a sonic fangame :>. It makes me very happy to see a fanbase express their creativity so freely like this one does. I dont think ive ever seen anything like it anywhere else when it comes to making fangames/romhacks in particular. Any other community that tried to make their own fangames usually got their efforts shot down, unfortunately - but sonic fangames were able to thrive, and thats really heartwarming to see! Theres a lot of really cool fangames out there and honestly im so much more interested in fanmade content compared to official sonic media lol. I seriously dont think id be so into sonic if it werent for the fangames.
When it comes to other fanmade content, i really like music and art!
Make sure to check this artist out, their art is really cool!